The Conference is organized by the Hellenic Association for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA) in cooperation with a number of Universities and Institutes. HAICTA is the Greek Branch of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA). Until now HAICTA has organized a series of eight successful international conferences. HAICTA 2020 aims to bring together professionals, experts and researchers working on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment. We additionally... aim to emphasize on the applicability of ICT solutions to real industry cases and the respective challenges.
Topics We accept submissions in all areas of ICT in Agriculture, Food and the Environment including but not limited to:
Types of Submission Abstract (400-600 words) Short paper (max 2000 words) Industry paper (max 2000 words) Doctoral consortium paper (max 2000 words) For all types of submissions the applicant will have the alternative to present it orally or as a poster. The abstracts submitted will be published in a book of abstracts of the HAICTA 2020 conference. Short papers, Industry papers and Doctoral consortium papers will be published in a CEUR workshop proceedings publication service, from where they will be permanently available and citable. After the Conference, selected high quality papers will be invited to be reconsidered for special issues of scientific journals and collective volumes. All types of submissions will be reviewed through a fully electronic peer review process by at least two referees. Submissions will be handled by an ONLINE SUBMISSION SYSTEM that has been set up for HAICTA 2020. Important Dates March 15, 2020 Submissions due (for every type of submission) May 4, 2020 Notification of acceptance for all submissions May 25, 2020 Camera Ready Presentation Submission September 24-27, 2020 Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece Conference Secretariat For any further information you can contact the conference secretariat at [email protected] or the program chairs. Comments are closed.
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